There are different times in life when people have to think about estate planning. People often draft documents when they become legal adults, add children to their families or achieve professional success.
People may draft wills or fund trusts in response to changing family circumstances. They may also sometimes draft documents intended to protect themselves in the event of an emergency. Durable powers of attorney help people avoid guardianship.
By designating a trustworthy person to handle their financial or medical needs, people can eliminate the risk of others seeking that legal authority if they ever become permanently incapacitated. When is the best time to establish durable powers of attorney?
When preparing for retirement
People often start addressing elder law needs in the years leading up to retirement. They recognize that their finances may soon change and that their physical capabilities may shift as well. Older adults sometimes experience challenges when they age that leave them dependent on others.
People who take the time to establish durable powers of attorney before retirement have peace of mind throughout their golden years that stems from the knowledge that there is someone to protect them should their health change abruptly.
After a concerning diagnosis
Individuals facing major medical challenges often need to plan for their own protection. Those preparing to undergo treatment for cancer, for example, often create robust estate plans that include durable powers of attorney. Should they end up incapacitated by their condition or the treatment they have to undergo, they have already empowered someone to step up and take control of their affairs.
Those diagnosed with the early stages of progressive conditions such as Lou Gehrig’s disease or Alzheimer’s disease may decide that drafting durable powers of attorney is a smart decision. Their condition may eventually leave them dependent on others, and they can take control of the support that they receive by naming someone trustworthy before that happens.
Establishing robust estate plans and addressing elder law concerns can be beneficial for those preparing for retirement or facing major medical challenges. Many people may benefit from establishing durable powers of attorney in case they require support from others in the future.